
German Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd: Breed Comparison

German Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd

There are many different types of dog breeds in the world, and it can be tough to decide which one is the right fit for you.

In this post, we will compare two very popular breeds: German Shepherds and Australian Shepherds. You will get to learn the differences between these two breeds. How do they compare in temperament, training, size, coat colors, nutritional requirements, puppy prices, lifespan, and exercise? Let’s take a look!

Article Published on 31st March 2022

Short Facts about German Shepherds

Breed Type Purebred
Purpose Family pet, active companion, or guard dog
Height 22 to 26 inches
Weight 50 to 90 pounds
Average lifespan 10 to 12 years
Temperament Intelligent, obedient, alert, loyal, energetic, and friendly
Shedding Moderate; requires moderate grooming
Common coat colors Black and tan, black and cream, white, blue, sable, silver, liver
Activity level High; requires up to 60-120 minutes of exercise daily
Suitable for families Yes, for active families that can meet the exercise requirements
Dietary needs High-protein diet; adults require approximately 1,700 to 2,400 calories per day depending on activity level
Potential health issues Hip dysplasia, bloating, pannus, Panosteitis, Degenerative Myelopathy, and cataracts

Short Facts about Australian Shepherds

Breed Type Purebred
Purpose Family pet, active companion, guard dog
Height 18 to 23 inches
Weight 40 to 65 pounds
Average lifespan 13 to 15 years
Temperament Intelligent, curious, loyal, loving, high-energy, and friendly
Shedding Moderate; requires moderate grooming
Common coat colors Red, liver, black, merle, blue merle, black and tan, red and white,
Activity level High; requires up to 60-120 minutes of exercise daily
Suitable for families Yes, for families that can meet the exercise requirements
Dietary needs High-protein diet; adults require up to 1400 calories per day depending on activity level
Potential health issues Hip dysplasia, cancer, deafness, and cataracts

Australian Shepherd vs German Shepherd

German Shepherds are typically larger in size than Australian Shepherds. They usually weigh around 50-90 pounds, while Australian Shepherds weigh about 40-65 pounds.

German Shepherds also have a thicker coat of fur than Australian Shepherds.

GSDs are bred for their working abilities, while Australian Shepherds are bred more for their appearance and temperament.

Shepherds can be used for a variety of purposes, such as guarding property, herding livestock, or serving as search and rescue dogs. Australian Shepherds are typically used as family pets.

German Shepherds are known for being loyal and protective of their family, while Aussie Shepherds are known for being energetic and playful.

If you are looking for a dog that is loyal and protective, the German Shepherd may be a good fit for you. If you are looking for a dog that is active and playful, the Australian Shepherd may be a better fit.

Ultimately, the best breed of dog for you depends on your individual lifestyle and personality. Do some research on different breeds of dogs and talk to dog owners to get a better idea of which breed is the best fit for you.


German Shepherds were bred in Germany to herd sheep. They are large, muscular dogs with black and tan coats. Australian Shepherds were bred in the United States to herd cattle. They are small, agile dogs with tri-color coats.

Both breeds are intelligent and loyal dogs who make great pets. GSDs are known for their protective nature, while Australian Shepherds are known for their herding instincts.


The German Shepherd and the Australian Shepherd are both popular dog breeds. They are both known for their herding abilities, intelligence, and loyalty. However, there are some key differences between these two breeds.

One of the most obvious differences is their appearance. German Shepherds are typically larger than Australian Shepherds. They have a thicker coat of fur, which can come in a variety of colors including black, tan, sable, liver, silver, blue, and white.

Australian Shepherds are smaller and have a thinner coat of fur that is typically red, liver, black, or blue merle.

Australian Shepherd vs German Shepherd Size

German Shepherds are typically larger than Australian Shepherds. German Shepherds weigh between 50 and 90 pounds, while Australian Shepherds weigh between 40 and 60 pounds. This can be a deciding factor for some people when choosing a dog breed.

GSDs are often seen as being more imposing and tougher, while Australian Shepherds are seen as being more agile and playful. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference.


Another difference between Australian Shepherds and German Shepherds is their coats. German Shepherds have a thick, coarse coat that sheds heavily.

Australian Shepherds have a thin, soft coat that does not shed as much. Again, this is something to consider when choosing a dog breed.


The German Shepherd is known for being a confident and courageous dog, while the Aussie Shepherd is known for being loyal and energetic.

Both breeds are great with families, but when it comes to temperament, there are some key differences. The German Shepherd is more dominant and protective, while the Australian Shepherd is more playful and excitable.


One of the most important ways in which these breeds differ is in their nutrition needs. The German Shepherd has a higher protein requirement than the Australian Shepherd.

The GSD also needs more fat in its diet, while the Australian Shepherd does not. The German Shepherd should eat a diet that is high in both animal-based protein and fat.

The Australian Shepherd, on the other hand, can do well on a diet that is lower in protein and higher in carbohydrates.


When it comes to German Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd grooming, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First of all, German Shepherds have a thick coat of fur that needs to be kept trimmed and tidy. You will need to brush your Shepherd’s fur daily to avoid any mats or tangles from forming.

Australian Shepherds, on the other hand, have a much shorter coat of fur. You will only need to brush their fur once or twice a week to keep it looking neat and tidy.

Another thing to consider when grooming them is their ears. German Shepherds’ ears tend to be more prone to infection, so you will need to clean them regularly. Australian Shepherds’ ears are much less likely to become infected, but you should still clean them once a week.

Finally, German Shepherds require more frequent baths than Australian Shepherds. You will need to give your German Shepherd a bath at least once a month, while an Australian Shepherd can go a few months without needing a bath.

So, what’s the verdict? German Shepherds vs Australian Shepherds: Grooming Edition? German Shepherds take the win when it comes to fur maintenance, while Australian Shepherds are the clear winners when it comes to hygiene.


Both breeds have a lifespan of about 12-14 years. Australian Shepherds tend to have a slightly longer lifespan than German Shepherds.

However, both breeds are relatively long-lived compared to other breeds of dogs. Proper nutrition and veterinary care can help extend the life of both German Shepherds and Australian Shepherds.


German Shepherds need a lot of exercises, while Australian Shepherds don’t need as much. GSDs are better suited for working or guarding livestock, while Australian Shepherds are better suited as family pets.

Australian Shepherds make good jogging partners, while German Shepherds are not as likely to keep up with a jogger.

Aussie Shepherds are better for people who have smaller yards, while German Shepherds need more space. Australian Shepherds are more playful and active than German Shepherds.

Which is better for you? That depends on your lifestyle and exercise requirements. If you need a dog that needs a lot of exercises, a German Shepherd is a good choice.

If you don’t mind giving your dog a lot of exercises, an Australian Shepherd is a good choice.

For those with a small yard, an Australian Shepherd is better, while if you have more space, German Shepherds are better.


German Shepherds and Australian Shepherds have many similarities, but there are also some key differences between them. One of the most important differences is in their training styles.

German Shepherds are often bred for work such as police or military service, or for guarding and herding livestock. They are bred to be independent and have a strong work ethic.

As a result, German Shepherds often require more training than Australian Shepherds. They need to be taught how to obey commands and how to behave around people and other animals.

Aussie Shepherds, on the other hand, are bred for companionship. They are less independent than German Shepherds and tend to be more trainable.

Australian Shepherds are often used as therapy dogs because they are so friendly and good with people. This makes them a great choice for families with children.

German Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd Health

The German Shepherd is a larger breed than the Australian Shepherd. They can weigh up to 90 pounds, while the Australian Shepherd typically weighs between 40 and 60 pounds. This difference in size means that German Shepherds are more prone to joint problems, such as hip dysplasia than Australian Shepherds.

German Shepherds are also more prone to bloat than Australian Shepherds. Bloat is a dangerous condition in which the dog’s stomach swells up and cuts off the blood supply to the stomach. This can be fatal if not treated quickly.

Aussie Shepherds are more prone to eye problems, such as cataracts than German Shepherds. They are also more prone to deafness and seizures. However, German Shepherds are more prone to cancer than Australian Shepherds.

So, which breed is better? It really depends on what you are looking for in a dog. German Shepherds are larger and more prone to joint problems, while Australian Shepherds are smaller and more prone to eye problems.

Puppy Prices

One of the most noticeable differences between Australian Shepherds and German Shepherds is in their cost. German Shepherds tend to be more expensive than Australian Shepherds.

German Shepherds are bred for their intelligence, strength, and obedience. They are often used as police dogs, guide dogs, and military dogs. You can expect to pay $1500 to $3000 (€1350 – €2700) for a German Shepherd puppy from a reputable breeder.

Australian Shepherds are bred for their agility, energy, and intelligence. They are often used as working ranch dogs, search and rescue dogs, and therapy dogs. Australian Shepherd puppies’ price ranges from $1000 to $2000 (€900 – €1800).

Because of their different uses, GSDs and Australian Shepherds can vary in price. German Shepherds typically cost more than Australian Shepherds. This is due to the fact that German Shepherds are bred for specific purposes, while Australian Shepherds are bred for general use.

German Shepherd vs Australian Shepherd: Which breed is right for you?

Both the German Shepherd and Australian Shepherd are popular breeds of dogs. They are both known for their intelligence, loyalty, and energy. So, which breed is right for you?

The German Shepherd is a larger breed of dog that is known for its strength and athleticism. They are perfect for people who want a guard dog or working dog. The German Shepherd is also a good choice for people who have a large yard.

The Australian Shepherd is a smaller breed of dog that is known for its intelligence and agility. They are perfect for people who want a companion dog or working dog. The Australian Shepherd is also a good choice for people who have a small yard.


German Shepherd or Australian Shepherd: which dog is ideal for you? If you are looking for a guard dog or working dog, the German Shepherd is the better choice. If you need a companion dog, the Australian Shepherd is the better choice.

Both breeds of dogs are great pets, but it is important to choose the breed that is best suited for your lifestyle.


Sergey Uhanov, a certified veterinarian, has authored all of the content here. With over 20 years of experience in dog care and breeding three dogs of his own, he has a deep passion for these furry friends. Sergey owns a pet clinic in Israel where he provides care and treatment to dogs. He enjoys sharing his expertise and knowledge to assist others in caring for their dogs.

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