
Sloughi: The Ultimate Dog Guide


The Sloughi, often referred to as the Arabian Greyhound boasts a rich history tracing back to the ancient civilizations of North Africa. These graceful hounds have held a special place in the hearts of the Bedouin tribes, revered for their speed, agility, and loyalty.

Feature Details
Origin North Africa
Größe Medium to Large
Average Height 26-29 inches (males), slightly shorter for females
Average Weight 40-65 Pfund
Coat Type Short and Fine
Common Colors Fawn, Brindle, Fawn with Black Markings
Temperament Gentle, Affectionate, Reserved with Strangers
Lebenserwartung 10 bis 15 Jahre
Common Health Issues Hip Dysplasia, Eye Problems, Heart Conditions
Dietary Needs High-Energy, Balanced Diet
Exercise Needs High–daily exercise and mental stimulation required

Physical Characteristics of the Sloughi

Size and weight

The Sloughi is a medium to large dog with males standing around 26-29 inches tall and females slightly shorter. They usually weigh between 40-65 pounds, with a lean, muscular build.

Coat and colors

Possessing a short and fine coat, Sloughis are easy to groom. They come in a variety of colors including fawn, brindle, and even a combination of fawn with black markings.

Distinguishing features

Their deep chest and long legs hint at their incredible speed and endurance. Coupled with their dark, expressive eyes and dignified expression, they truly are a sight to behold.

Temperament and Behavior of the Sloughi

General demeanor

Sloughis are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. Though reserved with strangers, they form strong bonds with their families, often being particularly attached to one person.

Relationship with humans

Their loyalty knows no bounds. If socialized properly, they are excellent with children, showcasing patience and kindness.

Behavior with other animals

Being a hound, they have a strong prey drive. It’s essential to exercise caution when introducing them to smaller animals, though, with early socialization, they can live peacefully with other household pets.

Common misconceptions

Many mistake their reserved nature for aloofness. In reality, they are simply observant and can be quite playful once comfortable.

Health and Longevity of the Sloughi

Lifespan expectations

With good care, Sloughis can live anywhere between 10 to 15 years.

Common health issues

Like all breeds, they have their set of health concerns. Some of these include hip dysplasia, eye problems, and heart conditions.

Recommended care and checkups

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial. It’s also beneficial to be aware of any hereditary issues in the lineage.

Diet and nutritional requirements

A balanced diet is pivotal. Being an active breed, their diet should cater to their energy needs while ensuring it’s appropriate for their age and health conditions.

Training and Exercise Needs of the Sloughi

Training requirements and challenges

Training should begin early and be consistent. Positive reinforcement works wonders with this sensitive breed.

Importance of early socialization

Socialization at a young age can shape a well-rounded and confident adult Sloughi, reducing tendencies of timidity or over-aggressiveness.

Exercise needs and recommended activities

Their lineage as desert hunters means they have high energy levels. Daily exercise is non-negotiable. Activities like running, agility training, or even lure coursing can be excellent choices.

Strategies for mental stimulation

Beyond physical activity, Sloughi benefits from mental challenges. Puzzle toys, obedience training, and new environments can keep them mentally sharp.

Living Conditions Suitable for the Sloughi

Suitability for apartment living

While they can adapt to apartment living, they’ll require ample daily exercise to compensate for the limited space.

Space requirements

A house with a spacious yard is ideal. However, ensure the area is securely fenced, considering their high chase drive.

Climate adaptability

Being a desert breed, they can handle warmer climates. However, their thin coat makes them susceptible to cold, so protective gear during winter is a must.

Grooming the Sloughi

Coat care and shedding

Their short coat requires minimal grooming. A weekly brush will suffice. They shed moderately, with seasonal peaks.

Nail trimming

Regular nail trimming ensures their feet remain healthy and reduces the risk of overgrowth or splitting.

Ear and dental care

Routine checks and cleaning of ears can prevent infections. Similarly, regular dental check-ups and at-home brushing can keep dental diseases at bay.

Breeding and Puppy Care for the Sloughi

Responsible breeding practices

If considering breeding, it’s imperative to be aware of the breed’s standards and potential genetic issues to maintain the breed’s health and integrity.

Puppy selection

Choose puppies from reputable breeders who prioritize health and temperament over mere aesthetics.

Early care and vaccinations

Puppies require a series of vaccinations to protect them from various diseases. Regular vet visits during their early months are paramount.

Adoption and Rescue of the Sloughi

Advantages of adopting a Sloughi

Adoption can be a rewarding experience, giving a second chance to a deserving dog. It’s also a way to combat the issues of overbreeding.

Where to find Sloughi rescues and adoptions

Many organizations are dedicated to rescuing Sloughis. Research and connect with them if considering adoption.

Preparing your home for an adopted Sloughi

Ensure your home is safe, and you have all essentials like food, bed, and toys. Be patient, as rescued Sloughis may need time to adjust and trust.

History and Origins of the Sloughi

The ancient lineage

The Sloughi are believed to have ancient roots, with evidence suggesting their presence in North African civilizations thousands of years ago. Depictions in ancient art and manuscripts hint at the breed’s significance in those cultures, often associated with nobility and hunting expeditions.

Role in North African Cultures

For centuries, the Sloughi have been a cherished companion of the nomadic tribes in North Africa, particularly among the Berbers. They played vital roles, from hunting gazelles in the vast deserts to being guardians and loyal companions to their owners. Their adaptability and resilience were honed in the challenging terrains of deserts and mountains.

Caring for a Senior Sloughi

Changing dietary needs

As Sloughi age, their dietary requirements may change. Senior Sloughis often need a diet lower in calories but rich in essential nutrients. It’s important to monitor their weight and adjust feeding quantities and quality to maintain optimal health.

Joint health and mobility

Older Sloughis, like many breeds, may face issues related to joint health, such as arthritis. Regular, gentle exercise can help maintain joint mobility. Supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, can also support joint health.

Veterinary care for seniors

Senior Sloughi’s benefits from more frequent veterinary check-ups. Regular screenings can detect potential health issues early, ensuring that the golden years of your Sloughi are comfortable and enjoyable.


The Sloughi, with its elegance, rich history, and unwavering loyalty, is indeed a breed that captivates. Whether you’re looking to adopt, buy, or simply understand them, it’s undeniable that these majestic hounds have a lot to offer. To potential Sloughi owners, remember that with great beauty comes great responsibility. Your Sloughi will give you their all; it’s only fair they receive the same in return.


Sergey Uhanov, a certified veterinarian, has authored all of the content here. With over 20 years of experience in dog care and breeding three dogs of his own, he has a deep passion for these furry friends. Sergey owns a pet clinic in Israel where he provides care and treatment to dogs. He enjoys sharing his expertise and knowledge to assist others in caring for their dogs.

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